N-Methyl Anthranilic Acid

N-Methyl Anthranilic Acid

Product Details:


Product Description

Owing to our deep expertise in this domain, we are manufacturing and exporting across several countries of the world highly pure N-Methyl Anthranilic Acid. Our provided chemical acid are formulated at properly maintained laboratories using certified ingredients that are procured from the authentic vendors of the market. The provided anthranilic acid is clear to pale yellow liquids with a melting point of 24 degrees celsius. This N-Methyl Anthranilic Acid is soluble in water and is used as a dye intermediate in different dye making industries.


  • Highly reactive

  • Highly pure and original

  • Longer shelf life

N-Methyl Anthranilic Acid

CAS NO.: 119-68-6

  • Empirical Formula: C8H9NO2
  • Molecular Weight: 151.17
  • Melting point: 171 oC
  • Appearance: Off-White powder
  • Assay: >=95%

Uses : In Dyes e.g. Reactive Orange H2R

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Our Associate Concern
Everest Intermediates
Plot No. 706, 707 & 709, Road No. 7
GIDC Estate, Sachin, Dist. Surat-394230
Phone: 91-261-2453000/2433303
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